The Med Spa CEO

Take the Leap!

July 21, 2020

Take the dang LEAP.

Hey CEO’s I’m so thrilled and honored that you are joining me for another episode of The Skin CEO podcast.

It has been anything but business as usual in 2020 and it has many of us taking stock of our businesses, goals and visions for ourselves in general.

I’ve had many aesthetic business owners share the hard questions they’re asking themselves. And I think there is so much opportunity right now for you. I actually believe that the *uncertainty* over the last few months will enrich your life and business for the long-term in a way no booming, perfect economy can.

If you choose to see the possibility in this current climate, the current economy, the current Pandemic then opportunities will begin to present themselves to you.

Opportunities you can’t even imagine right now.

No matter what has happened.

BUT you have to be open to them.

And even more importantly you have to have the courage to act on them.

In this episode we unpack 6 ways to help you take the leap on your big A#$ goals when your mind is telling you to stay put.