The Med Spa CEO

Clarity on your Vision

December 6, 2021

If you’re business is not where you want it to be from a revenue perspective and it’s either your monthly revenue has plateaued, is inconsistent or unreliable, or the effort you’re currently exerting to bring in the money each month isn’t sustainable, then you’re going to want to tune into this episode of the podcast in particular.

Because today we’re going to talk about how not having clarity, crystal-clear clarity for what you’re building is costing you money, costing you the ability to have more time freedom (I know some of you are working 6 or 7 days a week) and most importantly it’s costing many of you your sanity.

And it doesn’t have to be this way.

The solution is actually quite simple, but simple doesn’t make it easy.

Tune in to learn more.


📅 Join me for a Free LIVE Masterclass on Monday, December 13 at 10am PST.

5 Simple Solutions to Making More Money While Experiencing More Time Freedom in 2022

Here’s what you’ll learn:

✔️ The 3 critical mental mistakes most aesthetic business owners make and WHY it’s costing you major profits (and sanity)(These simple shifts will forever change how you show up in your business.)

✔️ The SECRET to actually stand out in your market so that you become the GO-TO spa or aesthetic clinic in your area. (This isn’t your typical “craft your ideal customer avatar” or “establish your content pillars” type of secret.)

✔️ 5 ways to make more while increasing your time freedom that’s simple, doable and sets the foundation for growing a team and expertise beyond just your own booked services. (These solutions guarantee that your business will be set up for SUSTAINABLE growth over the long term.)

Head over to to register.