The Med Spa CEO

Why Your Business Isn’t Growing

October 8, 2019

This week’s episode is the first in a 3-part series calledThe real skinny on achieving your big, audacious dreams in your aesthetic business.

This series was born out of the false beliefs and thinking I see many aesthetic and skin professionals fall victim to.

This thinking holds most aesthetic businesses back from reaching their true potential.

But that’s not going to be you, friend!

I’ll be honest, some of what I say may be tough for you to hear.

But mostly, I hope you leave the episode empowered to take full responsibility to go after the business of your dreams.

This 1st episode is titled: “Why Your Business Isn’t Growing” (Part 1)

We unpack 7 key factors holding many aesthetic businesses back from seeing consistent business growth:

⤗ Too busy working “in” your business rather than working “on” it.

⤗ Impatience. Looking for evidence of results before you really should.

⤗ Lack of true commitment. You haven’t really committed to your vision 100%.

⤗ Lack of curiosity. Curiosity is your secret weapon as you try out new things in your biz.

⤗ Too scared to invest in yourself and your biz.

⤗ You think you are at the effect of all of your circumstances.

⤗ You haven’t found your UVP and established your authority around it.

Things mentioned in this episode: