The Med Spa CEO

The #1 Thing That Will Kill Your 2021 Marketing Goal

January 26, 2021

I sabotaged some of my own goals in 2020.  Wanna know how?  Confusion.

I spent too much time in confusion… trying to do too many things, listening to other influences before my own intuition and stagnating in analysis paralysis.

When I realized this, I sat myself down, determined to get clarity.

I simplified.  I cut out what was no longer serving me.  I set my primary focus for 2021 and went all in!

Without indecisiveness, fear, or clinging to what anyone else was telling me I should be doing.

Action brings clarity.

If you’d like to get help with your primary social channel be sure to consider joining us inside of The Skin Socialite community.

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen. I’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there.

Take care, friend.


Watch my FREE masterclass, How To Get More Booked Appointments on Social Without Overwhelm and Stress: