The Med Spa CEO

Ready to Become an Aesthetic or Beauty Educator?

February 23, 2021

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2020 has forever changed the way we work, play, communicate, connect, receive services, travel, to name just a few. As I record this episode at the beginning of 2021, the full impact of the global pandemic has yet to be realized. Truly.

Which of these changes in how we live will be temporary and which will be forever changed? The truth is we don’t know yet.

What we do know is that those of us that adapt and look for the opportunities through the uncertainty will be the ones who ultimately succeed.

I’ve done a lot of reflecting recently on how I can best serve in this space. And I want to be more open and honest with my thought process on how I make business decisions and where I really see us focusing our efforts in 2021.

What I’ve discovered since chatting with many of you who are interested in launching an online course and becoming an educator (or you already are an educator or trainer and you just want to have the tools to scale what you’re already doing well) is that you’re a little intimidated on where to actually start.

I want to share with you a strategy to help you get your online educator feet wet that doesn’t involve a lot of money or time investment on your part.

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen and I’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there. Take care, friend.



I am going to actually be hosting a live workshop all about…wait for it…live workshops on from 5-7pm PST (8-10pmEST) on Wednesday March 3rd that I’m calling “LIVE WORKSHOP STAR”

Plan, create and launch a Live Workshop in 14-days so that you can bring in a quick cash injection into your business, position yourself as an expert in your field and maximize impact for the people you serve.

If you are listening to this in real time close to when this podcast has gone live then I really recommend signing up for it. We’re pricing it really, really low for this first time (sub $100) so you’ll want to grab it while it’s at this price, PLUS it will be a fun chance to join me Live. We have some amazing bonuses we’re including this first go around, too.

Either way, if you’d like to have a way to bring in extra cash that doesn’t involve a lot of extra time, money and tech than using the presell Live Workshop Star Method I described is a GREAT way to do it.

Sign up here: Live Workshop Star –