The Med Spa CEO

Market Sophistication

July 27, 2021

Today we’re talking about the five levels of market sophistication, specifically:

✔️What it is market sophistication?
✔️Why you should be aware of it.
✔️My predictions for what this means for the aesthetic industry. 
✔️How to use the market sophisticating to your benefit so that you create a business that is set up to grow sustainably over the long term. 
✔️How to ensure you won’t be susceptible to the plateaus and difficulties most businesses have that aren’t even aware of market sophistication happening.


Join me for a Free LIVE Workshop next month!

The New Rules for Marketing Your Aesthetic Business 
(So that you can double your business without overwhelm, stress or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life.)

Here’s what you’ll learn:

✔️Why the old way of marketing your aesthetic business is DEAD and what to do instead.

✔️ The critical mental mistake EVERY aesthetic business owner makes and WHY it’s costing you major profits (and sanity)! (This simple shift will forever change how you show up in your business.)

✔️  The SECRET to actually stand out in your market so that you become the GO-TO spa, med spa or aesthetic expert in your area. (This isn’t your typical “craft your ideal customer avatar” or “establish your content pillars” type of secret.)

✔️  My 3-step process for building a profitable marketing plan that's simple, doable and sets the foundation for growing a team and expertise beyond just your own booked services. (This process guarantees that your business will be set up for SUSTAINABLE growth over the long term.)

Head to to register for this one-time event.