The Med Spa CEO

How to SMASH your goals in 2021

January 20, 2021

In today’s episode, we chat about how to plan your goals so you can achieve greater success in your business this year!

When goal planning, do you dream up new goals or do you start by asking what is no longer serving you? Let me explain WHY both are necessary.

Do you want to learn about PUSH and CONSISTENT goals and how to incorporate both this year to accomplish the biggest desires you have for your business?

Are you ready to commit to a big, audacious, scary goal for this year?

Let’s say NO to being afraid of failure and instead viewing setbacks as feedback to allow us to move forward FASTER!

Join me and get ready to crush it so at the end of this year you can say you have propelled your business forward more than any other year because you planned it that way.

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen. I’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there.

Take care, friend.


If you’d like to take your business to the next level in 2021 by incorporating virtual products, join me for my FREE masterclass: 3 Secrets to Creating Your Online Aesthetic Business: