The Med Spa CEO

Avoid These Social Media Mistakes

May 9, 2019

Join me as I chat today with my special guest, Tammy Cannon, a self-professed multi-passionate-preneur. Can you relate? Through her work as an author for Social Media Examiner and working with hundreds of clients as a social media and Facebook ads manager, Tammy inspires a sense of confidence and trust, and an ‘I can do it’ feeling for her students and clients. Her hand-holding approach has created repeat clients and students for her programs and offerings.

Tammy and I dive into the social media mistakes to avoid and how to fix them when you’re trying to use social media to grow your bottom line.

Mistake #1: Not having a game plan. Plans are essential to avoid those haphazard and inconsistent postings. Keeping up with a consistent plan for posting is something people struggle with. The number one solution to this is usually in the form of batching. Having a way in advance to plan out one week’s worth of content is an improvement. Tammy has broken it down into a simple system that keeps it easy:

  1. Consider creating twelve topics around your practice. If you are already blogging, these topics could be part of your blog.
  1. Go outside the box and look at the national day calendar to have fun and maintain personality, it will help you create filler content.
  1. Come up with three or four themes. Ask yourself why you do what you do. Another theme can be a behind-the-scenes post. Once you have all your themes, you will know precisely what you are going to post each week.

For those of you who do not have a blog or a YouTube channel, you do not need to start one. Your content could just be a topic that you want to share about on any social media channel.

Mistake #2: Serve before you sell. We all need to promote our specials because we are running businesses. However, you can really get to know your community if you ask questions ahead of the next month’s promotion. You can serve while promoting by using personality and interactions. Now it will not feel like a sales pitch; instead, it will feel like a solution to your audience’s problems. Talking to your audience more intentionally will give you an exact copy of language to use in your posts.

Mistake #3: Not investing in paid advertising. Back in the day, our feeds were filled with the most up-to-date and recent posts. Everything has changed! One percent or less of people will see your organic posts on Facebook. On Instagram, the most popular posts are first; so some of our pictures are going to get lost in the feed. Take the carrots to drive traffic and get people clicking on your website.

Mistake #4: Not having a way to measure whether or not social media is actually working for you. Lead magnets and freebies are gifts people get in exchange for an email address. This can also come in the form of a contest; to enter they need to give out an email address.

Email lists are gold for any business owner. Now that we know about online marketing strategies, your email list is vital to the health of your business. We can take the list even from ten years ago and download it into a file. Then, the file can be uploaded into Facebook Ads Manager and ads will be run specifically to that email list.

People who already paid you are five times more likely to give you money again rather than folks who have given you money in the past. It is less expensive to work with past clients then finding cold clients.

Mistake #5: Not infusing your practice’s personality into Facebook and Instagram posts. It is more fun to connect with a local practice that is introducing their staff or showcasing a fun event. Bring your community into your feed via an Instagram story or Facebook live to show the audience a personality.

Mistake #6: Not being consistent. It is tough to be consistent if you do not have a game plan. People quit if they have not seen results in a few weeks; it is crucial to remember it takes time. With blogging, a great post may not do anything for your business for at least eighteen months. However, that does not mean you should stop blogging, keep pushing!

What you will learn:

  • Social media mistakes to avoid
  • How not having an intentional strategy is actually hurting you
  • How to serve before you sell on social media
  • How not investing in paid advertising is probably leaving money on the table
  • You must have a simple and effective system to measure whether social media is bringing results into your practice
  • How you are likely not infusing your practice personality into your social media content
  • How not being consistent is likely hurting the success you want


Tammy’s Social Media Examiner articles
Heather’s FREE ROADMAP for aesthetic businesses
Heather’s Instagram
Tammy’s Instagram
Tammy’s Facebook
Tammy’s Website
Heather’s Website