The Med Spa CEO

4 Rules For Standing Out Online

October 13, 2020

In today’s episode, we chat about why your offers sound like everyone else’s.

No matter what type of aesthetic business owner you are…whether you’re an aesthetician, med spa owner, nurse/PA injector, a plastic surgeon or derm, you likely have competitors who offer very, very similar services in your local market.

This begs the question: How do you stand out?

This isn’t a new topic around here…if you’ve been listening to the show or following me or are a Skin Socialite member you’ve likely heard me chat about this before, BUT many of you still have the same boring, run-of-the-mill aesthetic offerings.

This episode is devoted to helping you think outside of the box when it comes to establishing an offering unlike any other aesthetic business in your local market.

So, what say you dear CEO’s. Are you currently swimming in a red ocean? Do you want to create stand out offers that separate you from what all the other aesthetic competitors are doing in your market? I sure hope so.

One final word of encouragement: creating stand out offers requires a certain type of courage because it means you are going to be doing something a bit different than your peers and this will be uncomfortable and feel “risky” BUT it’s the only way to create a true blue ocean for your business.

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen and and we’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there. Take care, friend.


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