The Med Spa CEO

The Path to Your Dream Business (Part 3)

October 22, 2019

This week’s episode is the third in a 3-part series called The real skinny on achieving your big, audacious dreams in your aesthetic business.

This series was born out of the false beliefs and thinking I see many aesthetic and skin professionals fall victim to.

This thinking holds most aesthetic businesses back from reaching their true potential.

But that’s not going to be you, friend!

I’ll be honest, some of what I say may be tough for you to hear.

But mostly, I hope you leave the episode empowered to take full responsibility to go after the business of your dreams.

I recommend listening to parts 1 and 2 in the series before listening to this episode.

This episode is titled: “The Path to Your Dream Business.” (Part 3)

We unpack 5 factors to lead you to creating the business of your dreams:

⤗ Commitment.

⤗ Strategic game plan.

⤗ Community & Support.

⤗ Accountability. (With self-integrity being the center.)

⤗ Embrace failures and setbacks.

Things mentioned in this episode: