The Med Spa CEO

Making Decisions Like a CEO

April 27, 2021

The quickest way to becoming the leader and CEO of your time is to quickly make decisions about what it is that you are currently spending your time doing or not doing with intention.

Today we’re going to talk about a 3-step process I use to make decisions quickly and we’re going to follow it up with some practical tips for making sure you not only avoid decision fatigue, but also making sure you tap into what it is that you actually want.

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen and I’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there.


Do you want to simplify your business plan and eradicate the overwhelm so you can achieve all your big audacious goal? Apply to coach with me 1-on-1 by emailing and putting “Coaching” in the subject line.