The Med Spa CEO

CEO Questions for Growing Your Business

May 12, 2021

“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Tony Robbins

Today we’re going to unpack why the quality of your questions impacts everything you do as a leader in your business and some ways to improve the quality of your questions so that you can create better options for your business and your life. Finally, we’ll discuss some MUST ask questions for you to ponder on a regular basis if you’re not quite getting the results you want in your business.

You will want to grab a notebook and a pad of paper to jot down some of the insight in this episode!

If you’d like to connect over on Instagram feel free to screenshot listening to this episode and tag me @heatherterveen and I’ll be sure to reshare over on our stories and connect with you there.


Do you want to uncomplicate your business plan and eradicate the overwhelm so you can achieve all your big audacious goal? Apply to coach with me 1-on-1 by emailing and putting “Coaching” in the subject line.