The Med Spa CEO

The #1 Key To Successfully Marketing Your Aesthetic Practice

March 21, 2019

In today’s episode, Heather is talking about how to build your ideal patient avatar (IPA). We learn about what an IPA is, why having one is critical to your practice’s success, and how to identify yours.

To begin this topic, Heather shares a recent story about when she and her husband were choosing an architect to do some work on their home. The process was very closely related to choosing an ideal patient avatar, which leads into Heather’s explanation of what exactly an IPA is. She then talks about various situations in which having knowledge about what your IPA is will be incredibly helpful.

We then continue on and hear about why it’s so important to clearly define an IPA for your aesthetic practice. Heather expresses that being focused on your IPA will allow you to create a compelling environment for your practice before addressing criticism that she often hears about the IPA method.

Heather provides three questions to ask yourself when trying to determine your ideal patient avatar and reveals the resource that she has created to help us in this procedure. She then speaks to how identifying an IPA is even useful for current practices that are not happy with their current customer base.

After, Heather presents us with a challenge. She states that many people have given her resistance toward this challenge, but asserts that every business she has done it with has gained important information from it. We are then given encouragement to not get caught up in being perfect, but rather to get started and make refinements over time.

Click here to grab your Free Ideal Patient Avatar Worksheet:

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