The Med Spa CEO

BONUS: Time Simplified Special Invite

October 4, 2021

When looking at the incredible growth and success of my current clients, I asked myself: What is the one BIG domino that when knocked down makes all the other dominoes fall effortlessly in response. And it’s this:


Time is the most precious resource we have as business owners.

It’s the one thing that we can’t get back.

Fixing my clients’ time problem has allowed them to:
Have the bandwidth to start hiring key team members to grow their spa or aesthetic clinic so that as one of my clients so eloquently put it, “she can eventually just run the show and not work more than 3 days a week.”
Increase profits and cut costs within the FIRST month of working together.
Be more present when spending time with their kids, significant others and friends.
Have date nights with their significant others again.
Create a crystal-clear marketing strategy and plan that feels effortless when marketing used to be something they totally dreaded and avoided each month.
Create massive demand from the above implemented marketing plan.
More free time to dream and creatively lead the business.
More confidence and certainty with choices while decreasing the overall stress and overwhelm.
Go from a 5-day work week to a 4-day work week while charging more.
Find the purpose and fun that is totally possible in entrepreneurship.
And so much more…

These same results are totally possible for you and why I’ll be hosting a brand new masterclass on Thursday, October 7th at 10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern time:
TIME SIMPLIFIED: How to go from busy aesthetic practitioner to empowered aesthetic CEO by fixing your problem with time for good.

This class is for you if you’re a busy aesthetic practitioner (whether you’re an aesthetician, nurse/clinician injector, spa or aesthetic clinic owner) who can relate to any of the following:

Feel like you are always working and don’t know where the time goes each week.
You are mentally exhausted from all the mental lists piling up inside your head.
You’ve maxed out your time inside your treatment rooms doing services, but have bigger monetary goals in your business you’d like to hit.
You’d like to make more money, but you just don’t have the time or energy to add one more thing to your plate.
You’d like to have the time for more personal things like going to the gym, spending quality time with family and friends and having more days off.

You will learn:

Why most time management programs are BS and ineffective.
The big mistakes most aesthetic practitioners are making with their time and how to fix each of them.
How to take control of how you spend your time each week so that you KNOW what you should be doing each day.
How to make more money in your business without the hustle and overwhelm.
The #1 secret hack to always having more time in your work and personal life so that you can take time off without it impacting your bottom line.
My simple 4 step system for beating your *not-enough-time* problem for good.
PLUS, be sure to snag the free workbook Time Simplified: The Guide to Fixing Your Relationship with Time for Good (hyperlink here maybe?)

This isn’t about you becoming more productive. (Of course, you will become more productive as a by-product of this process.)

This is about you stepping into becoming the CEO of your life and business. So that you are the leader of what you spend your time doing each week.

Afterall, we are what we repeatedly think and do.

Let’s make sure your days are filled with purpose and intention.


⏰ RSVP to the Time Simplified Masterclass here:

⏰ Snag the FREE Time Simplified Guide here:

⏰. Join the Time Simplified Pop-up FB Group here:

😍 Follow Heather on Instagram @heatherterveen