Open for enrollment

Double your Sales While Competition-proofing your practice

Create an Irresistible offer suite of in-demand signature packages & solutions for your med spa

Multi-Million Dollar Menu Masterclass plus bonus training, helps you create a unique menu to 2x-3x sales without having to invest in more technology, complicated funnels or team members.

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Why Should I Buy This?

Become a Premium Patient Magnet

Establish your practice as the premier choice for discerning patients with your new-and-improved signature branded menu of packages that range in price from $3000-$10,000.

Competition-Proof Your Practice

Say “bye-bye” to your generic, like-all-your-competitors service and treatment menu so you never have to worry about being price-shopped again.

Boost Patient Loyalty

Build lasting relationships with our Patient 365 process, turning patients into 'lifer' customers who continually return and rely on your unique solutions.

Sell Without Selling

Learn how to craft offers that convey BIG irresistible results (with BIG profitable price tags to match) without relying on upsells, slimy sales tactics or complicated consult scripts.

Why You Have To Believe

A POWERHOUSE MASTERCLASS for creating an irresistible offer suite of premium signature packages to make millions for your med spa or aesthetic practice.

A BONUS TRAINING outlining the step-by-step process to rebuild your med spa or practice’s entire offer suite using our CBS Menu Framework.

Exclusive BONUS: Build Your Menu Spreadsheet to map out your new-and-improved signature menu items with ease.

SIGNATURE SELLING SYSTEM: Discover how to effectively fuel sales for your med spa offers every month consistently without hustling.

What's Included ?

In this quick masterclass plus bonus training, you will receive:

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"I've tripled my revenue without having to stress so much on bringing in new clients, I was able to with what I already had."

Who's this for  

If you’re a female med spa owner, this if for you if:
  • You and your team are already busy, maybe even booked, but you want to double down on quality-over-quantity while 2x-3x your revenue.
  • You’re ready to take your big list of services, treatments and products and have it all flow together seamlessly so that your dreamiest clients have a clear game plan to spend $1000’s rather than $100’s with you.
  • You want to stop attracting clients that are nickel-and-diming you or your team.
  • You want to become known and the GO-TO for what you do - not just another commodity med spa or provider in your market.

Who's this coach

Over 15 years ago, I left a corporate no sales and marketing career to become a licensed aesthetician and certified laser technician.

I wanted to help women look and feel their best about themselves.

One year in, a Family Practitioner hired me because in her words:

 “Not because you have a long career in aesthetics,” - (because I didn’t) - “but because you have your master’s degree in communication and all this sales and marketing experience I don’t have! We’re going to need it!”

Well played, Dr. M. ;-)

Because we did end up needing it.

Shortly after helping her launch her brand new medical aesthetic practice, my selling and marketing skills went to work.

We did things differently than many of our competitors and built our offerings around unique, comprehensive solutions.

We focused on quality over quantity when growing our patient base.

This quickly scaled her practice.

I have since helped hundreds of med spa and aesthetic practice owners to do the same.

Multi Million Dollar Menu shares the key ingredients to doing the same for your practice.

Real Results

How much does this cost ?

$97 (Regular price $197)

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You will have lifetime access to this class.

04 // How long will I have access to the Masterclass?

This training is for female-owned med spa, aesthetic practice and clinic owners who are ready to expand their offering to include premium signature solutions.

01 // Who is the Multi-Million Dollar Menu Masterclass for?

Yes. Generally speaking, med spas and aesthetic clinics that carry injectables, laser/light/energy devices, skincare, weight loss and/or wellness services succeed the most with our frameworks. We help our clients put together packages in the $3000-$10,000 range, so having a menu of services that can realistically do that is important.

02 // Are there certain types of service, treatment and products that this process works exceptionally well for?

Because purchasing this training means immediate access to everything, we do not offer refunds on this product.

03 // Do you offer refunds?

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